The Encounters TEDEd Club is hosting its first conference for youth in our community (ages 13 - 18). IlluminaTED 2019 features innovative student talks, panels, activation workshops and performances. Be inspired by, engage with and learn about ideas we think are worth sharing on February 16th 2019 from 10am to 4pm. There are limited spots, and you don’t want to miss out!! Registration is live now on the iicanada app.
Workshop activations will be run by amazing people from Vancouver Writersfest, Parks Canada, SFU Applied Science (robotics) , Museum of Anthropology, ScienceWorld, VoVo Productions and SCWIST (Women in science who have changed the world)., and performances. It’s $20, food included and we hope to see you there.
For more updates and information FOLLOW @encountersteded on Instagram to learn about the club, our meetings and our experience at TEDEd Weekend in NYC.
In November, five students in our club participated in an amazing TEDEd Conference in New York City. Energised, we are committed to re-creating the same kind of amazing experience we had for youth in Vancouver. IlluminaTED, will be a unique, student-led TEDEd Conference exploring the theme of 'Encounters'. The conference will feature our own student TED-style talks, based on our learning and passions.
The ideas shared at the conference are understood as ‘gifts’ to the participants which broaden their worldview and spark new ideas. Our conference team is carefully curating an inspiring experience that includes guest speakers, performances, activities, films, interaction with community organisations and panels, all focused on serving youth in our community and creating an inspiring experience!
We aim for youth to build inter-and intra-personal knowledge bridges between themselves, peers and professionals in a variety of fields and subject areas. We hope that these mutually beneficial connections and community building will encourage growth and inspire change on a personal, community and global level.
The aim of the Encounters TEDEd Club is to create a space for students, to learn from two internationally recognised curricula, explore ideas at the intersection of history, tech, art, science, faith and innovation and share our own experiences and passions while developing essential skills and competencies.
Our sponsors this year: