Hello, my name is Ashhal Wallani, and I am currently a grade 11 student at Craig Kielburger Secondary School in Milton, Ontario. This was my first-time joining EncountersTEDEd Club, and it was an amazing experience. My passion has always involved software and technology and using it to create a better world. As I head towards the future, I aspire to become a software engineer.
Before my journey at ETC, I was constantly hearing people talk about how software and technology is only ruining peoples lives and that the human population would perish because of it, but I beg to differ and that is what inspired me. Technology, like any tool, depends on the intention of the person using it. I wanted to share the idea that if technology was used correctly and if the power of programming and development was given to young, innovative, and creative minds who are trying to solve world problems, then it wouldn’t be a burden but more of a tool to success.
During my experience in the EncountersTEDEd Club, I found a platform with like-minded peers talking about their passions. Soon, I was meeting new people and discussing my passion as well as their passions and what they strived to achieve. All this creativity from peers, inspired me to continue ETC and express my ideas to the world about technology and software.